SBL 2015 - 2ª Etapa - Seletiva Oficial para o "TAS - The Amazing Strongman" na Expo Nutrition SP. Data: 03/10
Local: C.T. dos Strong Monsters e CBSM. Rua: Dimitri Doncev, 319 - Vila Brasileira - Mogi das Cruzes - SP. Pesagem: 08:00 hs. Início: 10:00 hs. Categorias: Feminino Única, Masculino até 83 kg, Masculino até 90 kg, Masculino até 105 kg e Masculino Absoluto.
*Estão abertas as inscrições antecipadas no Valor de R$ 100,00 (Cem Reais) com Depósito Bancário no Banco Santander 033 - Agência 4562 - Conta 13003196-6 Strong Monsters - CNPJ 15.713.658/0001-18 e envio de comprovante de depósito para o e-mail:
No dia do Evento serão aceitos os pagamentos das inscrições na pesagem via Cartão de Débito, mas no valor de R$ 150,00 (Cento e Cinquenta Reais).
Bons Treinos à todos!!!
1- Raw Log Lift - Carga Máxima 3 pedidas (Magnésio, Cinto, Munhequeiras Permitidos)
Feminino: mínimo 65 kg.
Masculino até 83 kg: mínimo 90 kg.
Masculino até 90 kg: mínimo 100 kg.
Masculino até 105 kg: mínimo 110 kg.
Masculino Absoluto: mínimo 124 kg.
2- Raw Tire Deadlift - Carga Máxima 3 pedidas (Cinto e Straps permitidos)
Feminino: mínimo 150 kg.
Masculino até 83 kg: mínimo 220 kg.
Masculino até 90 kg: mínimo 240 kg.
Masculino até 105 kg: mínimo 260 kg.
Masculino Absoluto: mínimo 280 kg.
3- Super Medley 30 m. (all the implements must cross the finish line) - Timber Carry 10 m. + Farmer's Walk 10 m. + Super Yoke 10 m. in 90 sec. (Magnésio, Cinto e munhequeiras permitidos).
Feminino: 160 kg + 160 kg + 180 kg.
Masculino até 83 kg: 220 kg + 220 kg + 280 kg.
Masculino até 90 kg: 240 kg + 240 kg + 300 kg.
Masculino até 105 kg: 260 kg + 260 kg + 320 kg.
Masculino Absoluto: 280 kg + 280 kg + 400 kg.
4- Super Tire Flip 90 sec. (Magnésio, Cinto e Munhequeiras permitidos)
Feminino: 200kg + 300kg (1 tombo cada)
Masculino até 83 kg: 200 kg + 300 kg + 400 kg (1 tombo cada)
Masculino até 90 kg: 200 kg + 300 kg + 400 kg (1 tombo cada)
Masculino até 105 kg: 350 kg + 400 kg + 480 kg (1 tombo cada)
Masculino Absoluto: 930 kg (1 tombo)
*Penalidades: Uso de elementos não permitidos exclusão da competição, arrastar o implemento uma vez pena de 2 segundos, na reincidencia termina a prova. Apoiar o Log no cinto ocorrerá a perda da pedida.
Bons Treinos à todos!!!
Seja Bem Vindo - Saúde e Força de Campeão Sempre com Humildade!
Rua Ismael da Silva Mello, 607 - Mogi Moderno - Mogi das Cruzes - SP - CEP 08717-390. Contatos pelos tels.: 11-2378-7941 (Net), 11-9-7442-5193 (Vivo) ou E-mail:
Página Oficial para:
1º) Divulgação de Campeonatos e Eventos;
2º) Sendo que, aplicar-se-ão as Regras e os Regulamentos da American Strongman, Arnold Strongman Classic e Strongman Champions League, em todos os Eventos e Campeonatos Oficiais, que sejam Organizados, em Parceria, com essas Organizações, exceto para Apresentações, Shows e Espetáculos;
3º) Convocações - Ofícios - Divulgação dos Resultados Oficiais e Classificação Final dos Atletas, Individualmente e ou por Equipes, nos Campeonatos e Eventos;
4º) Fomentar e implantar a Educação, Cultura, Ensino, Conhecimento Técnico e Prático dos Esportes de Força, de modo à desmistificá-los e torná-los acessíveis à todos, através de Equipamentos e Treinamentos Alternativos, Reutilização de Materiais Descartados e também de Material Reciclável, Educação Ambiental, Inclusão Social, com o intuito e o objetivo de, simplesmente, levar e conduzir as pessoas, sem distinção de raça, côr da pele ou crença religiosa, à adquirirem uma qualidade de vida e existência mais saudável e feliz.
5º) Aqui todos terão a sua chance de brilhar, com equidade de condições, justiça e sob o mesmo olhar de imparcialidade...o resto só depende da vontade de vencer e da dedicação de cada um aos treinos...
6º) Lembre-se sempre...
Aquele que não faz Força na Vida se Torna Fraco...
Quem não Vive para Servir não Serve para Viver...
De que adianta ter a Força de um Campeão se não exercitar a Grandeza da Humildade...
No Fim somos Todos Iguais...porisso somos Mortais...
O que levamos dessa Vida são os nossos grandes feitos em benefício da Humanidade e a Lembrança dos Grandes Amigos e Irmãos que conhecemos e ajudamos...
Grande e Forte abraço à todos!!!
Filiação e Inscrições de Eventos:
segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2015
sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2015
Altetas Inscritos na SBL - 1ª Etapa - Arnold Classic Brasil 2015
2 - Mirian Fernandes - SP.
3 - Fernando Villela Botelho - SP.
4 - Eudes P. Silva - PB.
5 - Sandro Ueno - SP.
6 - Roberto Pinho Strongman Pinho - PB.
7 - Danilo Bllak Strong - SP.
8 - Danillo Duarte - SP.
9 - Leonardo Adriano - PB.
10 - Glauco Benigno de Sousa - SP.
11 - Walber Santana - ES
12 - David Santana - SP
13 - Negro Pons - ARG.
14 - Jorge Gabriel Taffaja - ARG.
15 - Juares Andrade da Silva - SP.
16 - Luciano Dias - SP.
17 - Malveira Nunes - RN.
18 - Marcos Morais Maverick Strong Man - SP.
19 - Sergio Strongman - SP.
20 - Marcos Menezes Strong - SP.
21 - Tiago Aparecido - SP.
22 - Pablo Viana - ES.
23 - Maillon Machado - SP.
24 - Robson Dos Santos - RN.
25 - Carlos Gomes - ES
26 - Nilda Maia - SP
segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2015
Strongman Brazilian League - 1ª Etapa - Arnold Classic Brasil 2015
Inscrições, Regras e Provas do Strongman Amador no Arnold Classic Brasil 2015
Quinta-Feira, 28 de
Maio: Congresso Técnico e Pesagem às 20:00
hs. Local: Arena Strongman.
Sexta-Feira, 29 de
Maio às 09:00 hs na Arena Strongman. Início das Competições das Categorias Feminino
Única, Masculino até 70 kg, Masculino até 80 kg e Masculino até 90 kg. Premiação ao Final do Evento
para os 3 primeiros colocados de cada Categoria.
Domingo, 31 de Maio
às 09:00 hs na Arena Strongman. Início das Competições das Categorias Masculino até 105 kg e Masculino Absoluto. Premiação ao Final do
Evento para os 3 primeiros colocados de cada Categoria.
Inscrições mediante
depósito de R$ 300,00 (Trezentos Reais) no Banco Santander 033 Agência 4562 –
Strong Monsters - Conta 13003196-6 – CNPJ 15.713.658/0001-18 e envio da cópia do
comprovante de depósito para o email
Limitaremos o número
de atletas brasileiros participantes para, no máximo, 10 por categoria,
priorizando a participação dos Campeões da Expo Nutrition SP e da SBL 2014, bem
como os atletas que já estrearam em algum dos Eventos da CBSM em 2014, os quais
terão até o dia 15 de Abril para efetuarem as suas inscrições e assegurarem as
suas vagas. Após o vencimento da data limite, as inscrições estarão abertas
para os demais atletas interessados em participar, até o dia 30 de Abril ou que
se complete o quadro de 10 atletas por categoria. Findo o mês de Abril não
faremos mais inscrições.
As Regras e
Regulamentos seguidas serão as da American Strongman e da CBSM:
Obs.: Os Atletas e
Técnicos que não participarem do Congresso Técnico não terão direito a
posteriores reclamações e manifestos nos dias das competições. Cada atleta terá
direito a 1 técnico para acompanhá-lo na competição.
1ª Prova: Super Tire-Flip Medley
Feminino: Pneus de 200 e 300 kg – 2 tombos cada em 90 segundos.
Masculino até 70 kg:
Pneus de 200 e 300 kg – 3 tombos cada 90 segundos.
Masculino até 80 kg:
Pneus de 200 e 300 kg – 4 tombos cada em 90 segundos.
Masculino até 90 kg:
Pneus de 200, 300 e 400 kg – 2 tombos
cada em 90 segundos.
Masculino até 105 kg:
200, 300, 350 e 400 kg – 2 tombos cada
em 90 segundos.
Masculino Absoluto:
200, 300, 350, 400 e 480 kg – 2 tombos cada em 90 segundos.
Para esta Prova vencerá
o atleta que realizá-la no menor tempo, com a conclusão de todos os tombamentos.
Para os atletas que não concluam todos os tombamentos, serão somados os pesos
dos pneus que o atleta tombou para classificá-lo, e, no caso de empate, o mais
rápido vencerá. Tacki ou Cola não serão permitidos, somente será permitido o
uso de pó de magnésio.
2ª Prova: Super Yoke(15m) + Famer’s Walk(15m) +
Timber Carry(15m) - Super Medley – 90
Feminino: 180 kg +
160 kg + 160 kg
Masculino até 70 kg:
220 kg + 200 kg + 200 kg
Masculino até 80 kg:
240 kg + 220 kg + 220 kg
Masculino até 90 kg:
260 kg + 240 kg + 240 kg
Masculino até 105 kg:
300 kg + 260 kg + 260 kg
Masculino Absoluto: 340 kg + 280 kg + 280 kg
Para esta Prova não
serão permitidos Straps, Tacki ou Cola. Somente serão permitidos munhequeiras,
faixas, cinto, joelheiras e pó de magnésio. Vencerá a Prova o atleta que
concluir a Prova no menor tempo, ou, caso não conclua, consiga cumprir o maior
número de etapas percorrendo uma maior distância. Caso haja empate o mais
rápido será melhor classificado.
3ª Prova: Log
Press - Max Reps – 1 minuto
Feminino: 65 kg
Masculino até 70 kg:
90 kg
Masculino até 80 kg:
100 kg
Masculino até 90 kg:
110 kg
Masculino até 105 kg:
120 kg
Absoluto: 140 kg
Para esta Prova vencerá
o atleta que realizar o maior número de repetições em 1 minuto, caso haja
empate, o mais rápido será melhor classificado. O atleta que não conseguir
realizar nenhum movimento válido zerará a Prova e não pontuará. Serão
permitidos apenas os usos de munhequeiras, cinto, cotoveleiras e pó de magnésio.
Tacki ou Cola e Faixas não serão permitidas.
4ª Prova: Super Power
Brazilian Tire Deadlift Raw Challenge
1st attempt: 160 kg or more.
Masculino até 70 kg: 1st attempt: 220
kg or more.
Masculino até 80 kg: 1st attempt: 230
kg or more.
Maculino até 90 kg: 1st attempt: 240
kg or more.
Masculino até 105 kg: 1st attempt: 260
kg or more.
Masculino Absoluto: 1st attempt: 280 kg or more.
Para esta Prova cada
atleta poderá fazer 3 tentativas de levantamento, partindo do mínimo estipulado
pela direção da prova ou então também poderá optar por alterar a sua 1ª e
demais Pedidas para mais, enquanto o seu nome não for chamado para a realização
do levantamento. O atleta que não realizar nenhum movimento válido zerará a
Prova e não pontuará. Vencerá a Prova o atleta que realizar o maior
levantamento ou, no caso de empate, o mais rápido a realizar o movimento será
melhor classificado. Após a validação do
movimento pelo árbitro, o atleta só poderá largar a barra quando a mesma
estiver abaixo dos joelhos. Serão permitidos para esta prova: cinto, straps e
pó de magnésio. O uso de macaquinho para Levantamento da Terra ou qualquer
outro para Levantamento não serão permitidos.
quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2015
Convocação Oficial para a FIBO 2015
Strongman ClassX 11.04.2015
Strongman Champions League
Martin Wildauer AUT
Dennis Kohlruss GER
Daniel Wildt GER
Michael Blumstein GER
* Marcos Ferrari BRA
Krystof Radzikowski POL
Ervin Katona SER
Matjaz Belzak SLO
Alex Moonen NED
Jarno Hams NED
Luke Stoltman SCO
Dainis Zageris LAT
Jean Francois Caron CAN
quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2015
O Brasil terá 3 representantes entre "Os Homens & Mulheres Mais Fortes do Mundo" no Campeonato Mundial de Strongman - Arnold Sports Festival - Greater Columbus Convention Center - Ohio - USA
Faltam apenas 2 dias para os nossos Grandes Atletas Marcos Ferrari, Marcos Morais Maverick Strong Man e Flavia Carvalho representarem o Brasil na Arena de Competições, entre "Os Homens & Mulheres Mais Fortes do Mundo", no Campeonato Mundial de Strongman no Arnold Sports Festival... A CBSM - Confederação Brasileira de Strongman lhes deseja... Muito Boa Sorte!!! Sucesso e Êxito...
quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015
Calendário de Eventos da CBSM 2015
Fevereiro: Dias 06, 07 e 08 – 1º Congresso, Assembléia e Seminário Técnico de Strongman. Local: Auditório da Escola de Governo e Gestão – Mogi das Cruzes – SP.
Março: Dias: 06, 07 e 08 – Campeonato Mundial de Strongman
– Arnold Sports Festival – Columbus – Ohio – USA.
Abril: 1ª Etapa da SBL - Campeonato Paulista de
Strongman – Itatiba – SP. Data: Última
Maio: Dias 29, 30 e 31 – Sulamericano no Arnold
Classic Brasil – Rio Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Junho: 2ª Etapa da SBL – Vitória – Espírito Santo.
Data a ser definida.
Julho: Dia 09
– 3ª Etapa da SBL – Manaus – AM.
Dia 31 – Seminário com Marcos
Ferrari – Fortaleza – CE.
Curso para Formação e
Especialização em Strongman – 1º Módulo. Data a ser definida.
Agosto: Dias 08 e 09 - 4ª Etapa da SBL – Jampa
Fitness – João Pessoa – PB.
Setembro: 5ª Etapa da SBL - Feira de Lutas – FIL ou Mogi das Cruzes. Data a ser definida.
6ª Etapa da SBL - Litoral de SP – Peruíbe ou Itanhaém. Data a ser definida.
6ª Etapa da SBL - Litoral de SP – Peruíbe ou Itanhaém. Data a ser definida.
Outubro: 30, 31 e 1º de Novembro - 7ª Etapa da SBL – Natal - RN ou Jogos Abertos do Interior – SP. Data a ser
Novembro: 8ª Etapa Final da SBL e Assembléia da CBSM na Expo Nutrition SP.
Data a ser definida.
Dezembro: Dia 13 – III Força Para o Bem – Mogi das
Cruzes – SP. Data a ser definida.
Ueno – Presidente da CBSM – 11 de Fevereiro de 2015
quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2015
Arnold Sports Festival 2015 - Convocação Oficial das Categorias Femininas, Provas e Inscrições
Atletas Convocadas: Mirian Fernandes - Guarujá - SP
Flávia Carvalho - Vitória - ES
2015 Arnold Amateur Strongwoman World Championship
PROMOTER: Strongman Man Corporation
DATE: March 6, 2015 and March 8th, 2015
TIME: Friday 9am-2: 30PM; Sunday 1:30-4:00pm Top four all other divisions after Friday only)
WEIGH-IN/Check-IN All athletes must check in!!! Weigh ins are Friday 9am-12pm and 2pm-5PM on Thursday March 5th at host hotel in
the Chestnut room.
LOCATION: Greater Columbus Convention Center (Hall C on Friday) Main Stage on Sunday for top 10 athletes
and top four all other divisions. (Competition times and days subject to change)
HOTEL: Red Roof Inn 137.00 per night. Red Roof Inn 137.00 per night. You may email Jim Greenhalge, Director of sales at or Judy Leomard at with your reservation or phone 614-224-6539. Please refer to the
group code Arnold Strongman when making reservations.
RULES: Mandatory Rules meeting on Thursday eve March 5, 2015 at 7PM in Hallway C at convention Center.. For those that
make the finals, Mandatory rules meeting at the host hotel on Friday eve at 6:30 PM. Please see full rules below (page two)
EVENTS: 2014 Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championship
DAY One in Hall C
(Top 4 LWW, MWW, & HWW move on to day 2.)
Day 1:
10” Giant DB Press for Reps: 60-second time limit. Judge will
give “down” signal once the weight is steady; elbows, and knees
and hips are locked. DB may be cleaned with two hands. Only one
hand may be on the DB at the start of the dip or press action. DB
may be pressed with either hand. Chalk only. (LWW 80#, MWW
100#, HWW 120#)
Super Yoke: 60-second time limit. 60’ down and back. 120’ feet
total two drops. Entire implement must cross the line. 2 second
slide penalty enforced. (LWW 400#, MWW 450#, HWW 500#)
Farmers Weight: 60 Second time limit. 75 feet. Entire implement
must cross the line. 2 second slide penalty enforced. Multiple drops
allowed. Chalk Only
LWW 160#, MWW 190, HWW 220#
Deadlift Medley: 90-second time limit. Straps are allowed. Suits
are NOT allowed. Chalk allowed. Barbell for one, Axle for one, Car Deadlift for maximum reps. LWW- 345#; 345#, car; MWW 375,
375, car; HWW 405, 405, car.
Day 2:
Rogue Fitness Last Man Standing Max Log C & P: Each athlete
must take every weight. 60 second time limit to complete each lift.
Judge will give “down” signal once the weight is steady, head is
through, elbows, and knees and hips are locked and the feet are
parallel. No built up belts. No resting log on the belt or head. Chalk
only. Starting Weights will be announced soon via our Facebook
page strongmancorporation
ASC Mystery Event: All athletes will be given details of this event
at the mandatory rules meeting on Friday evening to those that
make it to the finals on March 6, 2015. AWARDS: 1st place will receive trophies. All other places will receive medal.
ENTRY FEES: ALL registrations MUST accompany a signed entry form waiver. Payments can be made via PayPal at the registration costs are $125.00USD or 130.00 if paying via paypal. You can also mail your
registration to ASC PO Box 1973, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. For registrations done via PayPal, please email or fax signed
ENTRY DEADLINE: January 20th, 2015
MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: American Strongman Corporation; (All entries received are non-refundable)
American Strongman Corporation Emergency Medical Release &
Liability Waiver
I the undersigned (if applicant/participant is 18 years of age or older) or parent/guardian of the above listed minor
applicant/participant acknowledge and fully understand that each applicant/participant will be engaging in activities
that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability or death, and severe social and economic losses
which might result not only from their own actions, inactions or negligence, but action, inaction or negligence of
others, the rules of play, or the condition of the premises or of any equipment used and further, that there may be
other unknown risks not reasonably foreseeable at this time, assume all the foregoing risk and accept personal
responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death, hereby release, discharge,
covenants to indemnify and not to sue American Strongman Corporation, Arnold Sports Festival, its affiliated
organizations and sponsors, their coaches, managers, employees and associated personnel, officers, directors, agents,
including the owners and leasers of premises used to conduct the event, all of which are hereinafter referred to as
‘releases’, from any and all liability to each of the undersigned, his/her heirs or next of kin for any and all against any
claim by or on behalf of the applicant as a result of the applicant’s participation in the Programs and/or being
transported to or from the same, which participation, after careful consideration I hereby authorize, and which
transportation I hereby authorize. The applicant/participant has received a physical examination by a physician and
has been found physically capable of participating in the Programs. I hereby give my consent to have an athletic trainer, coach and/or doctor of medicine or dentistry or associated personnel to provide the applicant/participant
with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be financially responsible for the cost of such assistance
and/or treatment. I, also agree to save and hold harmless and indemnify each and all parties herein referred to above
as release form all liability, loss, cost, claim or damage whatsoever, including death or damage to property, which
may be imposed upon said release because of any defect in or lack of such capacity to so act or caused or alleged to
be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the release. And in further consideration of permission being
granted to me to participate in the Arnold Amateur and its related events, I hereby grant NAS INC., and/or any other
approved video or entertainment organization and all of their agents, successors, licensees and assigns, the right to
photograph or otherwise reproduce (whether by film, tape, still photography or otherwise) my voice, appearance and
name, and to exhibit, distribute, transmit, and/or otherwise exploit any and all media, including without limitation, by
means of still photography, motion pictures, radio, television, television motion pictures, video, printing or any other
medium now known or hereafter devised, including with respect also to any merchandising, advertising and/or
publicity, and the right to use my name and information about me in any connection with any of the foregoing. The
rights granted by me hereunder are granted for the entire universe and shall endure in perpetuity and no further
compensation shall be payable to me at anytime in connection therewith. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed
to obligate NAS INC., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, to photograph or otherwise
reproduce my voice, appearance or name, or to make use of any rights granted herein. I also understand that the
aforementioned rights may be reassigned at any time without further consent. I understand that NAS INC. and/or any
other approved video or entertainment organization are videotaping and photographing the Event in express reliance
upon the foregoing, and I represent and agree that I am free to grant the rights granted to NAS INC. and/or any other
approved video or entertainment organization hereunder. . I have read the above waiver/release and understand that
(I) we have given up substantial rights by signing this release and sign below voluntarily
NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ AGE: _____________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: _________________________________________________________________________STATE: _____________________ ZIP: ______________________
PHONE: _____________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ________________________________________________________
EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________________circle shirt size- small ---Medium---large---xl-----2xl---3xl—4xl---
BODYWEIGHT________________________ Representing Federation Signature _________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The contest is being held in conjunction with The Arnold Sports Festival 2015. Fitness,
Bodybuilding, powerlifting, wrestling, etc., and so much more will be going on. For ticket
information, please see
Scoring will be high point wins, a failed attempt at any event will result in zero points. For
day two, the top ten from Friday only (athletes will be scored to ten). The number of athletes
divided by 10% will be carried on to day two. So if there were 50 athletes and someone
finished day one with 58 points, it would be 58/(50/10), so the athlete would have a
subtotal of 11.6 points to start day 2.
1. All athletes will receive two wristbands (One for you and one for a coach). These wristbands
will be for the weekend—so don’t cut them off overnight as these will allow your
coaches/companions access to the Expo Hall. If anyone else is with you they will need
to buy tickets at the doors. (They were $10 last year.) If you have never been to the
Arnold before—be sure to come early. Parking is hard to find close to the venue and the
crowds are so large that it can often take 30 minutes to walk from one end of the
building to another. If your hotel has a shuttle, you should consider taking it rather than
trying to park your own car. If you are staying at the contest hotel, that is great as you will be
able to walk directly across the street to the festival.
terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2015
Categoria Masculino Até 83 kg - Sandro Ueno - Mogi das Cruzes - SP
Categoria Masculino Até 105 kg - Tiago Aparecido de Oliveira - Biritiba Mirim - SP
Categoria Masculino Acima de 105 kg - Marcos Ferrari - Mogi das Cruzes - SP
- Marcos A.F. Morais - Louveira - SP
- Sérgio Batista - Peruíbe - SP
Os Atletas convocados terão até o dia 20 de Janeiro para realizarem as suas inscrições no valor de U$D 125,00 Via Paypal no site: para
2015 Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships
PROMOTER: American Strongman Corp
DATE: March 6, 2015 and March 8th, 2015
WEIGH_IN/CHECK-IN All athletes must check in!!! Weigh ins are Friday 9am-12pm and 2pm-5PM on Thursday March 5th at
host hotel in the Chestnut room.
TIME: Friday 9am-2: 30PM; Sunday 1:30-4:00pm Top Ten Placing’s in open men; top four all other divisions after Friday
LOCATION: Greater Columbus Convention Center (Hall C on Friday) Main Stage on Sunday for top 10 athletes
and top four all other divisions. (Competition times and days subject to change)
HOTEL: Red Roof Inn 137.00 per night. You may email Jim Greenhalge, Director of sales at or
Judy Leomard at with your reservation or phone 614-224-6539. Please refer to the group code Arnold
Strongman when making reservations.
DIVISIONS: Open Class, 2015 ASC World Championship LW, MW and Open class consist of males (LW) under 175# or
83kilos; (MW) 176 up to 231# (105k) and Open (over 105k)
RULES: Mandatory Rules Meeting Thursday March 5th 7pm Hallway C at convention center. Rules meeting for Those that
qualify for the finals will be at the host hotel at 6:30 pm on Friday evening March 7, 2015 at Host hotel (Please see detailed rules below
(page two)
DAY One in Hall C
Day 1:
Giant DB Press for Reps: 60-second time limit. Judge will give
“down” signal once the weight is steady; elbows, and knees and
hips are locked. DB may be cleaned with two hands. Only one
hand may be on the DB at the start of the dip or press action. DB
may be pressed with either hand. Chalk only. LWM 150#, MWM
180# HWM 13” 210# DB.)
Super Yoke: 60-second time limit. 60’ down and back. 120’ feet
total two drops. Entire implement must cross the line. 2 second
slide penalty enforced. (LWM 600#, MWM (700) HW 800#)
Farmers Walk: 60 Second time limit. 75 feet. Entire implement
must cross the line. 2 second slide penalty enforced. Multiple drops
allowed. Chalk Only LWM 260#, MWM 300# HWM 340#
Deadlift Medley: 90-second time limit. Straps are allowed. Suits are NOT allowed. Chalk allowed. Barbell for one (standard height),
Axle for one (standard Height), Car Deadlift for maximum reps.
LWM 500#, 500#, car; MWM 550, 550#, car; HWM 600#, 600#, car
Day 2: (Top 10 HWM, top 4 MWM, &LWM move on to day 2.)
Rogue Fitness Last Man Standing Max Log C & P: Each athlete
must take every weight. 60 second time limit to complete each lift.
Judge will give “down” signal once the weight is steady, head is
through, elbows, and knees and hips are locked and the feet are
parallel. No built up belts. No resting log on the belt or head. Chalk
only. Starting weights will be announced soon via facebook on
strongman corporation’s page.
ASC Mystery Event: All athletes will be given details of this event
at the mandatory rules meeting on Friday eve for those that make it
to day 2.
AWARDS: 1st place will receive trophies. All other places will receive medal. 1st Place HWM finisher will get a guaranteed
invitation to the 2016 Arnold Classic Pro Show.
ENTRY FEES: ALL registrations MUST have a registration form. Registration can be paid via PayPal at the registration costs are $125.00USD via paypal, the registration is 130.00. You can also mail your
registration to ASC, PO Box 1973, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. There are no exceptions. For registrations done via PayPal, you
must email or fax signed registration form (314-770-9279) ALL ATHLETES MUST HAVE PREQUALIFIED FOR THIS
AT 314-565-5970 OR
ENTRY DEADLINE: January 20th, 2015
MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: American Strongman Corporation; (All entries received are non-refundable)
American Strongman Corporation Emergency Medical Release &
Liability Waiver
I the undersigned (if applicant/participant is 18 years of age or older) or parent/guardian of the above listed minor
applicant/participant acknowledge and fully understand that each applicant/participant will be engaging in activities
that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability or death, and severe social and economic losses
which might result not only from their own actions, inactions or negligence, but action, inaction or negligence of
others, the rules of play, or the condition of the premises or of any equipment used and further, that there may be
other unknown risks not reasonably foreseeable at this time, assume all the foregoing risk and accept personal
responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death, hereby release, discharge,
covenants to indemnify and not to sue American Strongman Corporation, Arnold Sports Festival, its affiliated
organizations and sponsors, their coaches, managers, employees and associated personnel, officers, directors, agents,
including the owners and leasers of premises used to conduct the event, all of which are hereinafter referred to as
‘releases’, from any and all liability to each of the undersigned, his/her heirs or next of kin for any and all against any
claim by or on behalf of the applicant as a result of the applicant’s participation in the Programs and/or being
transported to or from the same, which participation, after careful consideration I hereby authorize, and which
transportation I hereby authorize. The applicant/participant has received a physical examination by a physician and has been found physically capable of participating in the Programs. I hereby give my consent to have an athletic
trainer, coach and/or doctor of medicine or dentistry or associated personnel to provide the applicant/participant
with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be financially responsible for the cost of such assistance
and/or treatment. I, also agree to save and hold harmless and indemnify each and all parties herein referred to above
as release form all liability, loss, cost, claim or damage whatsoever, including death or damage to property, which
may be imposed upon said release because of any defect in or lack of such capacity to so act or caused or alleged to
be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the release. And in further consideration of permission being
granted to me to participate in the Arnold Amateur and its related events, I hereby grant NAS INC., and/or any other
approved video or entertainment organization and all of their agents, successors, licensees and assigns, the right to
photograph or otherwise reproduce (whether by film, tape, still photography or otherwise) my voice, appearance and
name, and to exhibit, distribute, transmit, and/or otherwise exploit any and all media, including without limitation, by
means of still photography, motion pictures, radio, television, television motion pictures, video, printing or any other
medium now known or hereafter devised, including with respect also to any merchandising, advertising and/or
publicity, and the right to use my name and information about me in any connection with any of the foregoing. The
rights granted by me hereunder are granted for the entire universe and shall endure in perpetuity and no further
compensation shall be payable to me at anytime in connection therewith. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed
to obligate NAS INC., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, to photograph or otherwise
reproduce my voice, appearance or name, or to make use of any rights granted herein. I also understand that the
aforementioned rights may be reassigned at any time without further consent. I understand that NAS INC. and/or any
other approved video or entertainment organization are videotaping and photographing the Event in express reliance
upon the foregoing, and I represent and agree that I am free to grant the rights granted to NAS INC. and/or any other
approved video or entertainment organization hereunder. . I have read the above waiver/release and understand that
(I) we have given up substantial rights by signing this release and sign below voluntarily
NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ AGE: _____________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: _________________________________________________________________________STATE: _____________________ ZIP: ______________________
PHONE: _____________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ________________________________________________________
EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
BODYWEIGHT________________________ Representing Federation Signature _________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The contest is being held in conjunction with The Arnold Sports Festival 2015. Fitness,
Bodybuilding, powerlifting, wrestling, etc., and so much more will be going on. For ticket
information, please see
Scoring will be high point wins, a failed attempt at any event will result in zero points. For
day two, the top ten from Friday only (athletes will be scored to ten). The number of athletes
divided by 10% will be carried on to day two. So if there were 50 athletes and someone
finished day one with 58 points, it would be 58/(50/10), so the athlete would have a
subtotal of 11.6 points to start day 2.
1. All athletes will receive two wristbands (One for you and one for a coach). These wristbands
will be for the weekend—so don’t cut them off overnight as these will allow your
coaches/companions access to the Expo Hall. If anyone else is with you they will need
to buy tickets at the doors. (They were $10 last year.) If you have never been to the
Arnold before—be sure to come early. Parking is hard to find close to the venue and the
crowds are so large that it can often take 30 minutes to walk from one end of the
building to another. If your hotel has a shuttle, you should consider taking it rather than
trying to park your own car. If you are staying at the contest hotel, that is great as you will be
able to walk directly across the street to the festival.
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